대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전봉명동룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전봉명동룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱
I had to have at least one means of protecting myself,
but I had no idea something like this would happen fr
om the first day I arrived in Gaegyeong.The gangsters
who saw that laughed.”her! “After all, they weren’t or
dinary people.”“What are you guys doing?”“That’s wh
at we have to say. “Where do they come from?”There
were no answers to each other, only questions.It was a
situation where communication was impossible.The nu
mbers were similar, but as they faced each other in fron
t of the alley, the people who sensed an unusual atmos
phere hurriedly backed away.Anyone could see that th
ere was a big fight going on.“Shall I report it to the insp
ector?”“The numbers are similar, so why not catch them
and go? “I hope we won’t fall.”“They don’t look that easy
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전봉명동룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱
either.”“So you’re not confident?”“Master, why are you
acting like this? This is our ghost catcher. “I will grab
you right away and put you on your knees.”Their iden
tities were Hwang Sang and Holchi.It was by chance th
at he, the Inspector General, discovered Lee Ja-chun an
d his group. Originally, I came out to catch pickpockets
who are said to appear these days.Usually, such work is
done by Sungunmanhobu.However, since they were so
new to the scene, it was difficult to keep track of them.
That’s why the inspector general and HOLCH came fo
rward.But then I saw some suspicious people.Even if e
ach person moves separately, eight strong men are bo
und to stand out.Anyone could see that they were tra
ined warriors.When the Emperor first saw them, he t
hought they were local officials and private soldiers.
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전봉명동룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱
But that wasn’t even what he did.He seemed like an
outsider, not a country bumpkin.“When you speak k
ind words, lay down your weapons. “This is the final
warning.”The emperor did not think he would lose.
There is at least one more odd person out there.
Since we only selected those with relatively nimble b
odies, although they are small in size, they are not a
t a level that can be underestimated.However, Gabye
olcho was also skilled in fighting. Since they could no
t continue to have snowball fights, the Emperor issue
an order.“Don’t miss a single one.”From then on, the
chaos began.With fifteen men throwing punches, it w
as only natural. The good news is that no stabbing occ
urred.The emperor was reluctant for fear that his peo
ple would get hurt, and Ja-chun Lee also came to meet
he king of Goryeo.If I kill someone here for no reason, t
he long journey would have been in vain.