대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전봉명동호빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전봉명동호빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전봉명동호빠
대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전봉명동호빠

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전봉명동호빠

“Did you say you took a leave of absence from Seoul National University? I think you should go to Seoul

National University with me this time.”*I was walking around the campus of Seoul National University

College of Agriculture in Suwon, guided by Choi Hee.”It’s good.””yes.”On the way to this point, Choi Hee’

s words decreased considerably. She probably made her own choice, but she must have remembered her

self when she was studying as a student at Seoul National University just a while ago.“Shouldn’t you be

wearing that cotton suit?””yes. It’s not possible.””That’s true… I will never speak to Choi Hee again.”

“…”A group of people gathered beside Choi Hee, who was still walking while looking at the ground.

“Conclude the ROK-US Executive Agreement as soon as possible!”“Conclude! Sign up!”“U.S. troops ge

t out of Korea!”“Back off! Back off!”People who looked like college students were wearing headbands.

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전봉명동호빠

Since the era is the era, such demonstrations and group actions were commonplace in universities wh

ere intellectuals are said to be gathered.As I listened to the story, it was a protest by college students call

ing for a Korea-U.S. administrative agreement over the lynching of Koreans by U.S. forces.To Korea, the

United States was a friend and aid country. It should not be overlooked that it has helped countless times.

But on the other hand, there was the same shade as now. Because the situation of relying on the power of

one side rather than a mutually equal relationship continued, the state often failed to do so even when it

had to claim its natural rights.He urged Choi Hee to escape her protesters.”uh?! It’s Choi Hee!”A man ju

mped out of the crowd of protesters.He had his hair done in pomade, like the wealthy European scions, a

대전호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성호빠 대전봉명동호빠

nd sharp eyes could be seen through his spectacles on his fair skin.“What is it? You said you were on vac

ation? What’s going on in Agriculture? And what are those clothes…?””hello. Seniors.”The man pretend

d to know him, but Choi Hee didn’t seem very pleased. The man glanced at me.“Who is that…?”

“My name is Lee Dong-ho.”“Lee Dong-ho? Are you hearing this for the first time? Are you also a stude

nt at our school?”He was an easy-going man. Is it because I’m still young